Create an Amazing 3D Game Station Control
If you are addicted in playing games, you might like to design your own game …
October 21, 2011
3D Effect, Photoshop Tutorial

Create a Nice 3D Ball
If you want to learn to create 3D image, you better start with the simple …
September 30, 2011
3D Effect, Photoshop Tutorial

Create a Realistic 3D Green Apple
If you would like to learn to draw some realistic stuff, normally your teachers would …
January 26, 2011
3D Effect, Photoshop Tutorial

Design a Fantastic 3D Credit Card
Lots of commodities can be good objects to design with. It is not easy to …
December 9, 2010
3D Effect, Photoshop Tutorial

Design a Realistically 3D Brush in Photoshop
To design some kind of stationery icons, you can design them in many ways. The …
December 7, 2010
3D Effect, Photoshop Tutorial

Create a Nice 3D Bread on a Chopping Board
To design something realistic, you have to consider how to apply lighting and shadow effects. …
October 6, 2010
3D Effect, Photoshop Tutorial

Apply 3D Effect on Movie Poster
Nowadays, 3D movies spread the world. Many cartoons and nice movies are in 3D. However, …
September 1, 2010
3D Effect, Photoshop Tutorial

Produce a Fantastically 3D Colorful Pencil
o create 3D object, elements such as reflection and shadow effects are very substantial. Without …
July 29, 2010
3D Effect, Photoshop Tutorial

Create an Awesome 3D Apple Hardware
Most of 3D stuff, you can use latest photoshop to create in an easy way. …
July 13, 2010
3D Effect, Photoshop Tutorial

Design a 3D Smart Car using Photoshop
To most of you, nice 3D objects are not easy to create. Whatever artworks you …
June 29, 2010
3D Effect, Photoshop Tutorial

Create a Scientific 3D Human Model
To create something shocked, you may need to spend a little bit more time to …
June 22, 2010
3D Effect, Photoshop Tutorial

3D Professional Electronic Chip Creation
Whatever hardware you need, before you get on the prototype creation, 3D layout or detailed …
June 8, 2010
3D Effect, Photoshop Tutorial